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Epiphanic Career Consult

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epiphanic adj - a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something. (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking.

career noun - occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress

consult noun -an act of consulting a professional; a consultation.

Topic Title

What is Epiphany

Greek - manifestation or appearance. To reveal. Moment when someone gains clarity or understanding. They may have been through a series of events which makes no sense or left them feeling uncertain, but at the moment of the epiphany, they gain knowledge, awareness, and realization.

The concept of epiphany helps the person see a situation with a fresh pair of eyes or in a brand new light. After the Epiphanic moment, they are able to much more easily tackle the situation or problem they face.